The Importance Of Christmas

Nov 18, 2020

Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Theologians are still unsure of Jesus’ birth date, so this year could very well be his 2000th. The second millennia after his birth and we have barely changed. If a person is too good, they’re killed by another—Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, MLK, JFK, to name a few. Now Christmas is losing value through corporations claiming “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” It may not seem substantial, but not calling Christmas by name is a tragic development.

There are many references to God in American history: “One nation under God (Pledge of Allegiance),” “In God we trust (Currency),” “So help me God (Court).” These are to convey any belief system, but especially Christianity. These all convey that God is important to our country, but we’ve forgotten this. Our founding fathers believed in God more than we do. We can’t even celebrate his son’s birthday as a nation.

This is to give Jesus a happy 2000th birthday. We should have a massive rebirth of Christian values. We should instill in our children a necessity for a religious belief and the reasoning behind it. This will be my first post on the subject, the importance of Christmas.

